HammockWeb Online Marketing

Top 5 Insider Hacks to Boost Interaction on Your Website
Dec 07 2016

No matter how visually pleasing and interactive a website is, if it cannot drive traffic, causes the initial traffic to thin out, or leads to higher bounce rates, then your ROI for interactivity is negative.

Increasing interactivity on a website is one of the major concerns of website owners today. With so much competition in the digital world, one has to keep coming up with something new to stand out in the crowd and engage their target audience. Here are the ten best tactics, straight from our top experts’ secret hack-books, to increase website interaction.

1. Hook, Bait, and Fish
Content is the most crucial part of an interactive website, even more so than the design itself. If you have content that urges the reader to read more, you are definitely on the right track!

However, to make it easy for website owners, we’ll describe the three easy steps to convince a reader to become a regular at your site:

  • Hook: The design of your website and the convenience of navigation will hook the visitor into finding out more. Make sure your site is user-friendly and has all the relevant information where it needs to be. If the content that your reader needs from your site is too hard to find, they will waste no time to leave, so keep that in mind while designing or updating content for the home page of your site.
  • Bait: Once your visitor finds what they need and becomes interested in your site, give them what they would love to read, see, or hear. Include images and videos on your site to keep your readers fixated on your site. In website interaction, videos and images play a major role. Humans are visual learners, and if the content is given to them in a visually pleasing form, they are more likely to absorb that information and come back for more.
  • Fish: Now that you have your customers’ attention, don’t become inactive! Publish blog posts to keep the reader updated. According to a study on blogging frequency, the websites that published more than 16 blog posts in a month received almost 3.5 times more traffic than the websites that published between 0 - 4 monthly posts. Keep updated and watch your customers grow!

2. Get Personal
For a website owner, customers are the priority. Treating them with personalized care is an extremely underrated method, but that which yields the best results. Understand the needs of your potential customers. One way to do that is to create surveys to uncover important insights about consumers and use their answers to improve your business strategies. Find out what is preventing them to become your regular customer, and try to counter that in your next update.

The best part about using surveys is that it effectively decreases the bounce rates on your website. As your visitors will be taking the time to fill out your survey, it will automatically increase interaction on your site.

3. Sharing is Caring
Social Media is the new boom. The opportunities that social media provides for increasing traffic are endless. According to a survey, a staggering 95% of all marketers who have been using social media for two years or longer, report that it generates exposure for their business. What is more, the search rankings of these websites which employ social media improve drastically.

Integrating social buttons on your website would mean adding a few lines of code, but the results you would see after that are insurmountable. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram are the giants of social media today, and making use of their services would reap huge benefits for your business.

4. Create Interaction by Interacting
Everyone likes to be noticed. And the comment section on your website is a great place to show that your customers have a voice as well as to interact with them. Don’t just read the comments and leave it at that. Reply with thoughtful comments to both positive and negative feedbacks. Remember, a negative feedback is just an obstacle which you can overcome with an understanding response.

The “give and take” method goes a long way. Once you start interacting with your customers and make them feel special, they are more likely to engage with you and your business. Keep in mind that there are many companies which offer the same services as you do, and customers will remember those where they have been made to feel cared for.

A live chat option is great way to help visitors who are currently browsing through your site. It gives them an opportunity to ask for immediate assistance if they face any problem, rather than leaving your site entirely. This way, you can ensure that visitors stay on your site and become loyal customers.

5. Avoid Annoying Features
Auto-plays are annoying.

There. We’ve said it.

Imagine yourself looking for a service online and opening a website which seems relevant. But before you could even navigate through the site, a video suddenly starts playing on its own and ruins your experience, forcing you to close the aggravating site.

Now imagine this happening to your website. Not a prospective thought, is it?

Although the use of videos is an excellent method to increase traffic on your website, forcing the visitors on your site to watch it does the opposite by decreasing traffic and increasing the bounce rate.

Give power to the user. Let them navigate your site with ease. Help them where possible and gently nudge them with strong call to actions, but draw the line at forcing them to do anything.

Keep your customers happy by using these tips and tricks. Create customers and be there for them. This will ensure to retain them for a long time.

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